- Date:
- Registration opens: 6:00 pm closes: 7:00 pm
- Starts from: 6:00 pm
Third in a series of low key local Wednesday evening events, in and around Tyneside, with a league to encourage participation and competition. Courses suitable for beginners and the more experienced wanting some training competition.
Terrain: Formal parkland
Bandstand, Exhibition ParkSuggested Parking: Lambton Road E. End (P & D £1 ph until 18:30 cashless Pay by phone 71049 or card) Beware Resident Permit bays.
Park Terrace (P & D £1 ph until 18:30 cashless Pay by phone 71062 or card)
Claremont Rd Car Park: (P & D £1.90 ph until 18:00 cashless Pay by phone 3658 or card)
Metro: Jesmond 500 m.
Buses into town via Great North Road have a stop for Brandling Park just after the motorway peels off (blue square on above map). Underpass direct into the park.Entry: Senior £5.00 Junior £2.00 Family £5.00. Entry on the day only. Please provide exact change.
Large groups should give prior notice, please.Courses:
Yellow (1.5 – 2.0 km.) ~ Orange (2.0 – 3.0 km.) ~ Long Orange (3.5 – 5.0 km.). Actual distances to follow.
Long Orange uses two underpasses. Orange and Yellow stay within the main park.
Maps ands Controls
Sites will be marked with a miniature O sign and orange tape secured with a clothes peg. Markers will have a code letter in permanent marker to be written on the control card. Carry a pen.
Electronic timing will be used for start and finish. All runners will be issued with a loan dibber which will be downloaded off site. Timing tickets will be issued at download.
100 points for the winner of each course, 99 for second, 98 for third etc. Anyone running in a course above their class will get a bonus of 5 points (10 for 2 courses above) and, likewise, anyone running a course below their class will be docked 5 points (10 for 2 courses below).Safety: Orienteering is an adventure sport. Risks have been assessed and mitigated as far as possible . However, participants take part at their own risk. Consider other park users and be aware of cyclists and the very occasional vehicle in the park.
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