- Date:
- Registration opens: 6:00 pm closes: 7:00 pm
- Starts from: 6:00 pm
Sixth and final in a series of low key local Wednesday evening events, in and around Tyneside, with a league to encourage participation and competition. Courses suitable for beginners and the more experienced wanting some training competition.
Terrain: Varies from formal parkland to open grassland and woodland. Intricate path network.
Travel: Kings Road South. Approach either from Coast Road (A1058) or A193 in Wallsend. See map for road network.
Regular Transport links: 41/41A Hadrian Park – Wallsend. Stop: Station Rd/Buddle Centre.
342 Killingworth to Wallsend Stop: Wallsend Town centre or Wallsend Station Rd
306/307/308/309 Tynemouth/North Shields/Blyth to Newcastle via Coast Rd.. Stop nearby Wallesnd Station Rd.
351 Whitley Bay to Newcastle Stop: Wallsend Station Rd
Metro: Wallsend (1 km.).Parking: Roadside along King’s Road on the east side of the park. Approach registration from the park entrance on Kings Road.
Registration: At the bandstand in the formal park.
Entry: Senior £5.00 Junior £2.00 Family £5.00. Entry on the day only. Please provide exact change.
Large groups should give prior notice, please.
Yellow (1.5 – 2.0 km.) ~ Orange (2.0 – 3.0 km.) ~ Long Orange (3.5 – 5.0 km.).
Safety Notice: ORANGE involves road crossing- crossing point/traffic lights must be used LONG ORANGE involves two roads to cross one crossing point/traffic lights must be used, second proceed/cross with caution-minor road-though a cross through road. Under 16 must be accompanied by Adults on Long Orange.
Maps ands Controls
Sites will be marked with a miniature O sign and orange tape secured with a clothes peg. Markers will have a code letter in permanent marker to be written on the control card. Carry a pen.
Electronic timing will be used for start and finish. All runners will be issued with a loan dibber which will be downloaded off site. Timing tickets will be issued at download.
100 points for the winner of each course, 99 for second, 98 for third etc. Anyone running in a course above their class will get a bonus of 5 points (10 for 2 courses above) and, likewise, anyone running a course below their class will be docked 5 points (10 for 2 courses below).Safety: Orienteering is an adventure sport. Risks have been assessed and mitigated as far as possible . However, participants take part at their own risk.
Final League and declaration of Class Leaders
Planner’s Notes: What a turnout for the last Summer LOP of summer and decent weather too! Thank you to all who turned out. Hope you enjoyed your course and thank you for being so patient at the start. Most of the controls stayed where they were. Maybe that is due to where I placed them. I was not intending to play “hide and seek the controls”, though not in the pond like one ended up – that was first control too. Thank you to competitor who retrieved it from the water. I hope you didn’t get too wet! Apologies for the couple of control changes. Where did those trees go for control 7? Controls missing – but trees? That is a new one which just added to fun, I hope. How many controls on the long orange? I hope you all got back to see the Toon win on penalties to top a lovely evening off. Thank you to Fred for arranging the maps and checking them for me and thanks to everyone that helped collect the controls and equipment in for me. Thanks again to everyone. Great that so many of you came to the league finale in a good little area. Enjoy the rest of your summer and I hope to see you all again at an orienteering event in the not-too-distant future. Kind regards, Andrew Rice.
- View the Results