Wansbeck Riverside (N.Seaton)

    • Date:
    • Registration opens: 10:00 am closes: 11:30 am
    • Starts from: 10:30 am

    Wooded Riverside Park with paths of all grades leading to an area of dunes at the estuary. Local streets. (See course notes below)

    You are reminded that B. Orienteering rules require full leg cover at events of this status.
    Be aware that paths may be slippery after recent weather.

    Travel: From the A189 (Spine Road) follow the B1334 towards North Seaton. At the Fox Cover pub roundabout turn left on to Freeman Way. Follow Freeman Way to the end then turn left on to Castle Island Way. – ///lawns.allow.worthGoogle

    Parking: Considerate roadside parking along Castle Island Way. Please do not park east of the recycling centre and beware of a flow of traffic thereto. Leave forward turning left via Boiler Road.

    Entry: Online Pre entry only via SiEntries. Entries are now open and close midnight Sunday 12th January. Seniors (M/W21+): £7.00  Juniors (M/W20-): £2.00
    Limited entry on the day for White, Yellow, Orange only, subject to map availability.

    Courses DistanceClimbMap Scale
    White1.6 km.50m.1:7,500
    Yellow1.9 km.55m.1:7,500
    Orange2.7 km.65m.1:10,000
    Light Green3.6 km.75m.1:10,000
    Short Green3.3 km.100m.1:10,000
    Green4.9 km.125m.1:7,500
    Blue6.5 km.185m.1:10,000

    Course notes: White, Yellow, Orange and Light Green use only the forest park area. Short Green, Green and Blue also visit the technically tricky sand dunes. Orange upwards do visit nearby streets, particularly Blue.
    Map: 1:10000 or 1:7500 according to course. See course details above.

    Descriptions: Available loose at the start and also printed on the face of the map.

    Starts from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Courses close 2:00 p.m.
    Start 600 m. from nearest car. Finish 200 m.

    Dogs: Under close control

    Organiser: Gwenda Cavill <gwenda352ATgmail.com>
    Planner: Jonny Malley
    Controller: Frank Shillitoe

    Safety: Orienteering is an adventure sport. Risks have been assessed and mitigated as far as possible. Do take care of yourself nonetheless. Be aware of other users of the area particularly horse riders and cyclists. Be wary of sharp litter items that may have been discarded. You are reminded that British Orienteering rules require full leg cover at events of this status. Be aware that paths may be slippery after recent weather. Please bring your own requirement of water.

    Please upload your route to RouteGadget.
    Guidance available: “How to upload a route”

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