Newcastle & Tyneside Club A.G.M.

    • Date:
    • Starts from: 7:00 pm

    The Annual General Meeting of Newcastle & Tyneside Orienteers
    will be held on 16th October 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
    Proceedings will be conducted virtually by Microsoft Teams.

    1. Apologies for absence
    2. Minutes of last meeting
    3. Matters arising
    4. Chairman’s report
    5. Treasurer’s report
    6. Election of Officers and Committee
      1. Chairman
      2. Vice Chairman
      3. Hon. Secretary
      4. Hon. Treasurer
      5. Club Captain
      6. Elected Committee members (x6)
    7. Appointment of Auditor
    8. Any Other Business

    Microsoft Teams Need help?

    Join the meeting now

    Meeting ID: 393 576 251 870

    Passcode: 6zkFRV

    Nominations for officer and committee posts can be submitted through the Club contact.