- Date:
Fourth in series of low key local Saturday morning events, in and around Tyneside, with a league to encourage participation and competition. Courses suitable for beginners and the more experienced wanting some training competition.
Travel & Parking: TBC
Entry: Senior £5.00 Junior £2.00 Family £5.00 on the day only. Please provide exact change. A card reader will be available.
Large groups should give prior notice, please.Courses:
Yellow (1.5 – 2.0 km.) ~ Orange (2.0 – 3.0 km.) ~ Long Orange (3.5 – 5.0 km.).
Maps ands Controls
Sites will be marked with a miniature O sign and orange tape secured with a clothes peg. Markers will have a code letter in permanent marker to be written on the control card. Carry a pen.
Electronic timing will be used for start and finish. All runners will be issued with a loan dibber.
100 points for the winner of each course, 99 for second, 98 for third etc. Anyone running in a course above their class will get a bonus of 5 points (10 for 2 courses above) and, likewise, anyone running a course below their class will be docked 10 points. Best three scores count.Safety: Orienteering is an adventure sport. Risks have been assessed and mitigated as far as possible . However, participants take part at their own risk and